did rebekah ever see jacob again

Laban asked Jacob what amount he wanted to be paid for his work. Rebekah is an example of what happens when we rely on our own strength instead of trusting the Lord. Isaac prayed for Gods blessing and Rebekah became pregnant with the first twins mentioned in the Bible, Jacob and Esau. Lets look at our map again. "Rebekah loved Jacob." If Isaac and Esau had been permitted to bring their plan to fruition, a different set of consequences would have been unleashed. Plus we can only imagine how this deception impacted Isaac and Rebekah's relationship moving forward. Rebekah is the second daughter of Mikael and Esther. What else did Rebekah have against Esau? Observation #8: Rebekah's strong desire to see Jacob / Israel walk in God's blessing. Romans 6:23 ESV / 6 helpful votes Not Helpful For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. So she dressed him up in Esau's clothes and she put fur on him and prepared food for Isaac and sent Jacob to deceive Isaac. - TheTorah.com Once again, as God's "providence" would have it, Rebekah hears (from an unmentioned source) of Esau's plans to kill Jacob as soon as Isaac dies. Point to Bethel. - Genesis 28:13-15. That bias rightly reflects the biblical concern with patrilineagetracing families through the male line. JacobThe Righteous Deceiver. Q. Here was a weak point in this godly family. Answer: This question is covered in Genesis 27. James Jacques Joseph Tissot. Rebekah spake unto Jacob Rebekah is here contriving to procure the blessing for Jacob, which was designed for Esau. May it be that when I say to a young woman, Please let down your jar that I may have a drink, and she says, Drink, and Ill water your camels toolet her be the one you have chosen for your servant Isaac. Jack Zavada is a writer who covers the Bible, theology, and other Christianity topics. Since Jacob was smooth and Esau was hairy, Rebekah told Jacob to wear a fur, which Isaac would mistake for the older boy's hairy skin. Isaac, despite God's will, wants to give the blessing to his son, . Jacob did not like being tricked like that! Genesis 22:23: Chapter 24; 25:20-28; 26:7-8, 35; 27:5-15, 42-46; 28:5; 29:12; 35:8; 49:31; Romans 9:10. The presumption of innocence for the accused is paramount (the whole "better 10 guilty men go free than one innocent go to jail"). The Lord said to her, Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you will be separated; one people will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger. (Genesis 25:23, NIV), She deceived her blind husband into giving Jacob the covenant blessing due the firstborn, stealing it from Esau Yet Ryries Notes Say Otherwise. Rachel was the younger daughter, and she was beautiful. But, then he agreed to marry Rachels servant girl. Rebekah's deceit in Genesis 27. And he repeated Isaac and Rebekah's mistake by showing favoritism to Joseph, causing all sorts of family discord. I will give you and your children after you the land on which you are lying. Last updated As soon as you find the verse, stand up. Esau had already married two Hittite women (back in chapter 26) and Rebekah did not want Jacob to do the same, so she convinced Isaac that Jacob should take a wife from her brother's house in Padan Aram. Moreover, she is the only matriarch to receive a direct message from God (although Abrahams slave wife Hagar also receives an oracle); she inquires of God, who answers her (Gen 25: 22 23). Rebekah (and Isaac) did a poor job of modeling or teaching support, unity, and affection. Jacob's Arrival in Canaan. Mothers and Sons in Ancient Israel. In Ihr Vlker alle, klatscht in die Hnde! Festschrift fr Erhard S. Gerstenberger Zum 65. She was chosen by God to be Isaacs wife Jodi has a passion for Biblical ac More, Getting Spiritually Fit 1 ( Corinthians 9:24-27), Steps to Biblical Reconciliation (Luke 17:1-4; 2 Corinthians 5:15-21). Instead she told him, Im sick and tired of these local Hittite women! One person pretending to be another - it sounds a lot like what Jacob did to Esau, doesnt it? California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. The next reference to Rebekah mentions that she was buried in the cave of Machpelah with Abraham and Sarah (Genesis 49:31). Rebekah is far more dynamic and proactive than Isaac, for whom no independent episode is reported. God told her that she had two nations, two people, or two sons within her womb and that one (Jacob) would be stronger than the other (Esau). Furthermore, Rebekah is said to have had a nurse (Gen 35:8), a highly unusual circumstance in the Hebrew Bible and one that thus signifies her unusual stature. She favored Jacob over Esau and helped Jacob deceive Isaac. Now its sold over one million copies. So, Jacob fled to the house of his mother's brother, Laban. She put goatskins on Jacob's hands and neck to imitate Esau's hairy skin. She disguised him with the skins of [] young goats (Genesis 27:16) and now the boy was ready to deceive his father. He is faithful to keep His promises, even when people fail. So Jacob gets directed to HER brother Labans family and goes and marries his first cousin Rachel AND Leah. When the servant arrived, he prayed that the right girl would not only offer him a drink of water from the well but offer to water his ten camels too. At first Jacob was hesitant, not because he didn't want the Blessing, but because he was afraid of being caught. Was Rebekahs deceit an act of motherly love? This oracle foreshadows the tensions that will characterize the relationship between her sons, Jacob and Esau, as figures in the Genesis narrative and as eponymous ancestors of Israel and Edom. In this exciting ALL NEW historical biblical fiction series, you can shed new light on the stories of the most extraordinary women such as Ruth, Elizabeth, Deborah, Rahab, Bathsheba, Mary, and many more. When one is accustomed to mistrust, other peoples gifts seem to have strings attached. Note to Teacher: This might have been the very well at which Abrahams servant met Rebekah (Genesis 24:11). Offer the broccoli to the winner. He showed concern for her. Ishmael was not in the family line of Gods promise and blessing. A curse of an unexpected sort did result for both Jacob and Rebekah: their scheme forced Jacob to leave his father and mother ; the Bible gives no indication that Rebekah ever saw her favorite son again. Secretly grasp both the candy and the broccoli under the bandana. Because Esau was firstborn, he was entitled to receive the birthright but Jacob tricked Esau into selling him his birthright for a bowl of stew. When Abimelech asked Isaac of Rebekah, he told them that she was his sister, so that he might not be killed because of her beauty. Get More Inspiration Delivered to Your Inbox, A New Look at the Powerful Women of the Bible. They used their children as pawns and established teams, winners, and losers. Stay for a few days. Obviously, Isaac engaged in underhanded operations as well. There, Jacob met a man who was a lying cheater, but was even more greedy than himself! Now it came to pass, when Isaac Rebekah is an example of what happens when we rely on our own strength instead of trusting the Lord. While Jacob received the blessing, he found himself stuck in the cycle of deceit which had followed him and would continue within his household, but which started with fleeing for his life from an enraged brother, Jacob would never see his parents again. Have an update or correction? Together, they tricked Isaac, and Jacob received the promise that had been handed down from his grandfather, Abraham. Women whose lives and actions were pivotal in changing the course of history. A. Rebekah and Jacob plot to deceive Isaac. Some readers have accused both Isaac and Rebekah of equal fault in favoring their sons (Esau and Jacob respectively; Gen 27:1-10). PDF This week's FOCUS Rebekah (Rebecca) was the wife of Isaac and the mother of Jacob and Esau. Are We Ready for Our Journey to Eternity? At that point she shows her faith in God and it says in 25:22 that because of this she went and inquired of the LORD. God went after Cain. Ephesians 5:22 says, Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord., Isaac avoided conflict by avoiding honest conversation, so Rebekah had made a habit of eavesdropping. Then Leah was able to have two more sons named Issachar and Zebulun. Presumably Rebekah never gets to see her son again. 812 Central Ave, Suite 4 -Rebekah wondering about her pain. " Rebekah 's explanation to Isaac of why Jacob should depart was quite different from the truth . . Before he finished speaking, Rebekah, who was very beautiful in appearance (Gen. 24: 16) came out and filled up her pitcher, and the servant asked if he could have a drink from her pitcher. There is no record that Rebekah ever sees Jacob again, but her actions do yield a rich reward for the future nation of Israel. Jacob helped Rachel water her sheep. God chooses that which is weak in the eyes of the world to testify to the surpassing greatness of God . August 22, 2011. School Liberty University. I would rather die than see Jacob marry one of them. (Genesis 27:46) So Isaac called for Jacob and told him not to marry a Canaanite woman. NIV) As soon as the first child stands, have him read the verse. Sarah died when she was 127 (23:1) - so Abraham would have been 137 and Isaac would have been 37. Rachel travails of Benjamin, and dies in the way to Edar. JACOB; TO PADDAN-ARAM 27 :46-2 8 : 5 tions: In one version, the motive is fear of Esau's re- venge; in the other, it is Rebecca's aversion to Hittite women and her determination that Jacob shall choose a Wife from among her own Aramaean relatives. When the boys grew up, Jacob tricked his older brother into selling his birthright for a bowl of stew. What if my father touches me? a. The Lord answered his prayer, and his wife Rebekah became pregnant. She seems to have some input into the marriage negotiations, or at least into the decision about her departure from her homeland and birth family (24:5758). Laban brought Jacob home to stay with him. Stansell, Gary. Chapter 16: Jacob and Esau. Do Those Who Commit Suicide Go To Hell? Web. Rebekah later became the mother of Jacob and Esau and she helped . Start today with book # 1 Highly Favored: Marys Story. The next day the servant requested to leave with Rebekah, but her family protested that she should stay ten more days, then she could go, but the servant pleaded with them, so they decided to ask Rebekah what she wanted to do and she decided to go then. But above all else, we learn that God is great, loving, and kind. She told him to go stay with her brother Laban for a little while, until Esau was no longer angry. It was after this that Isaac married Rebekah and Abraham took Keturah as a wife (possibly a concubine) (see Genesis 24 and 25:1). They will spread out to the north and to the south. Rebekah secures her role as wife-elect for Isaac by befriending the servant and his ten camels in the famous well scene, which has been called a type-scenea narrative episode with certain expected motifs that appears at the critical juncture in the life of a hero. She had twins inside her, Jacob and Esau, and they were evidently struggling together within her, per 25:22. A good mother wants the best for her children. She is the sole female Original vampire. Spurgeon said cunning seems to have been stamped in them by their progenitors. The family was deeply entrenched in a cycle of generational deceit. Jacob went along with his mothers deceptive plan. In His kindness, He gave a son to Rachel. Rebekah. In Mothers of Promise: Women in the Book of Genesis, 4162. How do you think the plot made his older daughter, Leah, feel? When Rebekah gave birth the fisrt son to come out was Esau and the second, Jacob. Tell the group that you will give the candy bar to the first person who can look up a specific Bible verse. Yet they are unforgettable. Remember, he was a homebody who always stayed near to his mother. Carol Meyers Esau was born just moments before Jacob. Pages 5. After they ate, the servant told Rebekah's family of his mission and of his meeting with Rebekah and he requested that Rebekah come with him to be Isaac's wife. She agreed to go back with the servant and became Isaac's wife. In England, Rebekka began a training program to become a domestic servant, but dropped out because the head of the program was sexually harassing her. The furs would fool his hands. A good mother wants the best for her children. In the next episode in the Rebekah story, Isaac passes her off as his sister. 3. Sometime after the birth of Esau and Jacob, there was a famine and Isaac and his family went to the king of the Philistines, King Abimelech. Jacob continued on his way to Canaan. Rebekah was the first women in the Bible to be mentioned first by a well (others include, "If all is well, why am I like this." .04 what promise had god made to jacob already (see gen. 25:23)? (Genesis 24:60). One cannot blame Rebekah for the choices her children made or lay all parental blame on her. So He let Leah have children. God saw the broken heart of Leah. Indeed, the account of Rebekah at the well is the premier biblical example of such a scene. Is Divorce And Remarriage After Abuse, Neglect, Financial, Or Emotional Issues Okay. Jacob was wise to recognize that God was in control of whether or not Rachel had children. So he said to Laban, What have you done to me? Even though it saved Jacob's life, she would never seeJacob again. who deceived Jacob into marrying Leah instead of Rachel (Genesis 29:23-25). --Better rendered Kirjath-arba in Genesis 23:2, where see Note. In Genesis 27:5-7, Rebecca overhears Isaac tell Esau, "Bring me venison and prepare a savoury food, that I may eat, and bless thee before the L ORD before my death." It signifies the important role of the senior woman in a family household, at least when considered from a female perspective, as does the use of the phrase his mother Sarahs tent for Isaacs home. 9. He is still the great Pursuer. Osteosarcoma Hard Lump On Dogs Front Leg Joint, He sent his servant to the city of Nahor to find her. Rebekah (unlike Esau) understood what the blessing was worth. Rebekah wanted to fool Issac and stole the blessings from Esau. (Genesis 24:15, NIV). He made it possible for her to have children. Spurgeon suggests that the reader not be too hard on Rebekah for her misguided actions. God wanted the promise He had made to Abraham to pass down to Jacob and it did. They will be like the dust of the earth that cant be counted. His choice of Canaanite wives, which brought pain to Isaac and Rebekah (Genesis 26:34-35), also mocked the Lord. . Genesis 14:13 And there came one that had escaped, and told Abram the Hebrew; for he dwelt in the plain of Mamre the Amorite, brother of Eshcol, and brother of Aner: and these were confederate with Abram. Sadly, Rachel and Leah felt they had to compete for the love of Jacob. Jacobs twin brother, Esau, felt that he should have the blessing. (44) A few days. Jacob said to Rebekah his mother, But my brother Esau is a hairy man while I have smooth skin. I do not know the day of my . This unlikeness was foretold by the angel of God before their birth. Yet, the father (and husband), should have been the spiritual leader of the family. May be reproduced for personal, nonprofit, and non-commercial uses only. In the history of the United States, the House of Representatives has impeached sixteen officials, of whom seven were convicted. There is no record that Rebekah ever sees Jacob again, but her actions do yield a rich reward for the future nation of Israel. Those few days, however, turned into 20 years and Rebekah never lived to see her "favorite son", Jacob, again. We don't know whether Rebekah ever shared with Isaac God's prophecy about Jacob, but if she did, then it is hard to see how Isaac was operating in faith here. Then the servant had a second son named Naphtali. Getting , through fleshly means, never really works out. Ornithoptera Alexandrae For Sale, Did Jacob ever see his mother again? Application: Throughout Jacobs life story, we see people who do right and then do wrong. But Rachel wasnt able to have children. As Rebekah is pregnant she starts to feel turmoil within her womb! Did she see her numerous grandchildren and further hope of her family's marriage blessing that she would be a "mother of thousands of millions"? Genesis 14:13 And Jacob told Rachel that he was her father's kinsman, and that he was Rebekah's son, and she ran and told her father. Leah (niece/daughter-in-law), Rachel (niece/daughter-in-law), Jochebed (great granddaughter), Miriam (great-great granddaughter), Aaron (great-great grandson), Moses (great-great grandson), David (descendant), Jesus Christ (descendant), Rebekah (Rebecca) was the wife of Isaac and the mother of Jacob and Esau. The Hand That Rocks the Cradle: The Rivka Stories. In Reading the Women of the Bible: A New Interpretation of Their Stories, 523. We see people when they rely on God, and then rely on themselves. Rebekahs marital fidelity, in contrast, is never compromised (Gen 26:711). 10. When Abraham was getting very old, he sent his oldest servant to find a wife for his son Isaac, from among the women of Abraham's home land. Bethuel (father), Laban (older brother), Milcah (grandmother), Abraham (grand uncle/father-in-law), Reuben, Judah, Levi, Naphtali, Issachar, Zebulun, Simeon, Dan, Gad, Asher, Joseph, Benjamin, Dinah. [Gen 27:27] So Rebekah and Jacob, both of them sinned in a sense that they did it 'my way'. Rebekah favored Jacob. Rebekah in the Bible was the wife of Isaac and mother of Jacob and Esau. (Viewed on January 18, 2023) . I went back on my word. "Rebekah: Bible." Fanfiction Fantasy Vampires Elijah Bella Swan Vampire Diaries Crossover Time Stood Vampire Twilight. While quiet JacobRebekah's favoriteprefers the more ordered life around the tents (vs. 27-28). At any rate, this Yahwist narrative, on a rare occasion, informs us that Isaac was 60 years old when Rebekah gave birth to the twins, Jacob and Esau (25:26). Meyers, Carol. (See also the midwives in Exodus 1 and Rahab in Joshua 2.) Deceit was apparently a family trait. . Sometime yus nurse Deborah died and was buried. The Bible says that no one looks to find God on his own (Romans 3:10-11). When Esau heard that Isaac sent Jacob so far away to find a wife, he realized how much his parents disliked the women of Canaan. The story of the wooing of Rebekah unfolds in Genesis 24, the longest chapter in the Book of Genesis. However, do not miss the fact that sin always has consequences. At this point, Jacob could have told Rebekah this is the wrong thing to do, but self-interest won the day. (This scene is depicted in the painting above Isaac Blessing Jacob, by Jusepe de Ribera.). The servant came to a well and prayed that the next young woman who came to the well and gave him water would be Isaacs wife. Life Lessons Still, Laban should not have deceived Jacob. Just stay for a few days until your brother, Esau, cools off and then I will call you back here again. Her agency continues when she bears twins and secures the birthright for her favored son. We also see that God uses imperfect people to bring His plans to pass. The very fact that the verb to go is used of Rebekah seven times (a number used in the Bible for emphasis) in the courtship narrative of Genesis 24 highlights her active character. 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