what to say when someone shares something personal

Thank you. You can always follow this up with offers of support or condolences. Most people love to share things theyve learned as advice or as useful life hacks. The pace of self-disclosure over the course of a relationship is another wrinkle. WebAnswer (1 of 21): Its hard. We can say This is no big deal or I dont see why you feel this way or Youre over-reacting.. Whether they are sad, angry, frustrated, disappointed, or hurt, emotional validation is one of the most important things you can give them. ", Trivializing or diminishing your pain: "Put it into perspectivethere are kids starving in Africa.". Pro networkers make unique first impressions and ask questions that spark interesting discussions. Are you a singer?, By the way, have you seen the new schematics the client sent over? From casual thank yous to big displays of gratitude, it always feels good to be appreciated. But the first conversation about their trauma may not be the right time to disclose yours. For example, many tend to say Im sorry instead of excuse me. However, some people have a toxic cycle of verbalizing an apology without changing their actions. His mom was in a jam., If its any condolence, you look a lot cuter when you cry than I do. (then make a silly ugly face), I am so happy for you! Always use your best judgment and be sincere. If you're a beginner who wants to try your hand at saying Happy Passover in Hebrew, you can start by saying " Happy Pesach ," which is the Hebrew word for Passover. Instead of jumping to a solution or a call to action, you'll likely be a much better supporter if you do one of the following. But for others, insider information is like currency: Having something to share that should not be shared is like having money burning a hole in their pockets. If you are meeting someone for the first time, and they have a pet with them, this is a great way to engage in conversation. I love you so much, too., I dont think I can express how much I love you., Thank you for loving me. paragraphs relationships wavykiara bestfriend pinmaster tav It is told via film rather than in print like my own, but that doesn't hold it to any kind of different or higher standard. She has a keen strategic mind. If youre meeting someone for the first time, dont pretend to be perfect. Try saying: The modern-day dating game isnt always easy to demystify, but the science of flirting points to one major formula you can use when you feel tongue-tied in front of a crush: Compliment them + ask a question. Put yourself in the persons shoes. Whether someone is sick, has passed, or youre receiving some other tough news, this is a simple and warm way to express support. Would you join me?, Whats your favorite food? (wait for answer) Could I take you out to [restaurant] this week?, Have you seen [latest movie]? Short, sweet, simple, and always a good one to follow-up with a warm embrace. With these words, youre unintentionally implying that they should actually be grateful for how things turned out rather than recognizing their suffering. Walking away tells the other person that you arent there to put up with their B.S. This type of comment falls under victim-blaming, which is when someone suggests that if a person had done something differently (had less to drink, didnt stay out so late or left the toxic relationship sooner, for example) that the traumatic event wouldnt have occurred. Then you can give a genuine compliment, then ask a question. Try this one instead of offering cliche responses such as, Im sorry or theyre in a better place. Saying that your heart is broken for them offers empathy and might help them feel less alone. Here are some supportive ways to react when someone shares good news. I hope you can take some time for self-care and recovery., Sending healing vibes your way for a speedy recovery!, Im sorry youre feeling bad. When a guy shares something personal about himself, know that he trusts you. Kindness and compassion Compassion means a desire to alleviate suffering Often well-meaning intentions have a negative impact. Remember to take a deep breath before you reach for one of these phrases. In other words, I didn't need a manual or a translator to help me decode the story or its meaning, fill in any overt gaps or offer a cliff notes version of the backstory. Can we just be friends?, Thanks, you are so kind. You can always express these later on after youve done some processing and reflecting. That your story is more important than theirs. Rather than getting stuck in the boring small talk questions like What do you do? or Where are you from?, you can open up a deeper discussion with insightful questions like What inspires you about that type of work? or What is your favorite thing about your hometown?. How did you get involved with this event?, Being curious is a great way to respond in a way that takes the pressure off of saying the right thing. It shows that you acknowledge their pain and see the harm that their experience caused them., I dont know exactly how you felt, but if it were me, I would be so scared/sad/angry.. You cant fix the problem, but you dont want to gloss it over and make them feel ignored. We cannot give you customized advice on your situation or needs, which would require the service Growth and aliveness require a commitment not only to just learning but also to unlearningletting go of behaviors that no longer work. They devised a somewhat artificial situation in which pairs of participants (college undergraduates) were assigned to a reciprocal or non-reciprocal disclosure condition involving two interactions. If someone openly insults you, the shame, embarrassment, or awkwardness of the situation can make it hard to know what to say back. quotes friend friends Being curious is a great way to respond in a way that takes the pressure off of saying the right thing. hears rishikajain Access the article analytics each day and click on the reshares link. Here are another 62 Ways to Politely End a Conversation in ANY Situation. Plus, youre likely to get some information you can circle back to and also reference later on in your thank you note. These endings are quick, polite, and straight to the point: Just be sure you dont make any promises you dont plan on keeping. WebHave you watched "To the Bone?" They need listening, empathy and support on their terms.. Your stories are honored and respected, just as they are and for all that they are. Its okay to tell even an acquaintance that you really dislike kale, no matter how hard you try to incorporate it into your diet. I really like your [related item or attribute] as well., You are so sweet/kind! Im Logan. (reaches for a handshake) Whats your name?, I really like your [shirt/jewelry/tattoo/accessory]. Who is the most interesting person you have met here? If the well of conversation topics is running dry, there is no use in wasting either of your time trying to fumble for things to talk about and force a connection. Katie is the COO of a hospitality company. Wake up to the day's most important news. The only thing that matters is that it is told. And I am grateful for your generosity in offering your stories of recovery. Engaging in reciprocal interactions clearly influenced the extent to which participants liked each other. This has opened up the conversation to their career, and now youre on a roll. World Happiness Report (WHR) ratings have, for the past six years, placed Finland at the top among 155 countries. AI Predicts Antidepressant Treatment Outcomes, What You May Not Know About the World's Happiest Country. What to say when your significant other is upset, 25. So why am I sharing all of this with you, and why now? The film has awkward moments, indelicate attempts at patient-to-patient romance, and oh-so-many under-developed characters. Similar to remind as above would be The self-disclosing therapist would reveal the kinds of anxieties and insecurities about which clients themselves felt ashamed, and clients would feel that it was okay to show their own feelings. Twitter. When someone discloses their thoughts and feelings, you feel like you know that person better and that you can predict how he or she will react in a given situation. Day after day, year after year, I fought like a dog for my right to live, mostly still in silence and secrecy. liking It takes a lot of courage for a loved one to open up to you about a traumatic experience theyve been through. Try something like, As your friend, Im always here to listen and support you. But know that these words can be harmful, as they minimize the very real suffering this person has endured. Sometimes pain and grief are beyond any explanation. This link will open in a new window. . Saying that your heart is broken for them offers empathy and might help them feel less alone. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. I am so sorry., 10. Which way did you come in?, Are you enjoying the conference so far?, What has been your favorite session/speaker?. Masterful conversationalists know that it may be best to end conversations on a positive note, regardless of your feelings about the other personunless they are toxic people. Because this can be highly emotional and confusing, it is helpful to pause and calm yourself before responding. Keep in mind that the person might not need solutions; they might just need support. Its also best to avoid overwhelming them with too many questions about whats next. What to say if someone just had a baby, 11. If you dont know what to say, try responding: When your partner is upset, you can feel at a loss for words. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Many of my former colleagues in the eating disorders field have offered valuable commentary from the perspective of supporting eating disordered patients through professional treatment and nonprofit activism. In Sweden, if your name is Sven Andersson and there is a person of interest (for any reason) that has the same name as you, there is a slightly affectionate word you can use where you say that this person (that you often don't know Here's how to know when to reach out for professional help. This simple and straightforward sentence is often the best because you're not trying to give solutions or offer unsolicited advice, you're just addressing the fact. 3. comebacks ishouldhavesaid determined popular insults Thanks! Why Midlife Isn't as Stressful as You Think It Might Be, The 6 Personal Strengths That Can Improve Your Relationship, Sorry, But Your Ex Probably Isn't a Narcissist, The Most Important Skill for Mental Health, Can You Be Depressed Without Knowing It? Let the person know you are interested in them and that you are looking forward to your friendship to come. You can acknowledge the situation and express your concern by saying the following: "I'm so sorry for your loss." If someone has shared great news with you, share their excitement by asking details. Have you ever had the experience of sharing your own story with one or many people? Meagan McCrary, E-RYT 500, is a yoga teacher and author of Pick Your Yoga Practice: Exploring and Understanding Different Styles of Yoga. Ive never had anyone continue to ask though. Im worried about you. Because these interactions dont occur in real time, they're comparable to the non-reciprocal condition in the experiment. From 2000 to 2017, I wrote two books, spoke throughout North America at colleges, conferences, and treatment facilities, continued my volunteer mentoring work, founded and ran international eating disorders mentoring nonprofit, and cobbled together a series of very odd jobs to put some sort of financial foundation underneath it all. I got soaked on my way to work today! You can ask if they take public transportation to work and discuss that. Its always good to hide any non-joyous feelings that may come up for you whether its doubt, concern, or even a touch of envy. Your comment/response was (very) informative. What is your reaction when you hear or witness someone else sharing their personal story? The "liking" scores in the reciprocal condition were higher than in the non-reciprocal condition. In fact, during the years I was active in the eating disorders community as a nonprofit director, speaker, author, and mentor, nothing I ever encountered was as powerfully transformative as that key moment when a sufferer or survivor opens up to tell their personal story. Do NOT: Its normal to feel uncomfortable when someone shares unpleasant or bad news. A great haircut. A long lull in dialogue is After all, you might find yourself sharing some very personal details with a seatmate on a train ride who is similarly self-disclosing. I love and adore you!. Following up with them via text only takes a few moments and it will mean a lot to the person. I wish you all the best!, Thats fine. A job offer. We want different things, so maybe we should break up., Im sorry, but this isnt working between you and me. People can build strong relationships by becoming better listeners and improving communication. quotes board someone hard good live true qoutes choose However, put yourself in the persons shoes and walk a mile. The more you self-disclose in turn, the more the partner likes and trusts you, and then self-discloses even more. Is there anything I can do?, Ugh, thats the worst! I hope you find what youre looking for., I appreciate that so much, but Im not looking for anything serious right now., Tell me more. However, it can be important and be part of the healing process to understand why that person wronged you and the reasoning and mentality that went into making that decision. quotes soulmate him her special romantic heartfeltquotes heartfelt quote relationship someone lifetime once so meet true feel heart soulmates who Just letting them know you are willing to put yourself in their shoes, even for a moment, can feel caring, Means said. , has passed, or youre receiving some other tough news, this is a simple and warm way to express support. What to say when someone compliments you, 21. Simply hearing someone say, "I understand" can mean so much to a person who's suffering. advice. Sprecher and her colleagues were interested in the effect of immediate reciprocity in an interaction among strangers. When you are in the depths of a serious disease like an eating disorder, all of life itself is potentially triggering. Im dying to know, whats your story?, Your [hair/eyes/style] is stunning. Letting them know you are happy, interested, and want to hear more is super supportive. shareholder shareholders indirect roles When I was younger, I had an imaginary friend called ___. Curiosity is a wonderful attribute for good conversation. Theres no denying that ghosting hurts! How do you approach somebody and start a conversation without feeling awkward or creepy? The difference lies in how you engage with others. If youre passionate about it, that will show through even if others arent into sport. Youre letting them know that their good news is your good news! quotes sad cry friendship friend friends quotesgram This is not only inaccurate we cant always prevent bad things from happening to us, no matter how hard we try but its also insensitive. Thank you for recognizing it., I appreciate that! All too often when we are asked if someone can help, the person just says "No, I'm OK"getting specific can help. The film has too many white people and too many women in it. ", Sharing their own reactions: "I'm so sorry, "I'm so angry," "I feel so helpless; I wish there was something I could do," or even "I don't know what to say. Try saying: Humor is scientifically proven to make you more likable. When someone is sharing good news with you, they likely expect you to be happy for them. Here are some ideas you can always expound upon. Dont say something silly out of nerves. You can say: If someone is pleased with good news, avoid negative comments or criticism immediately. If you think saying something funny will go over well, go for it! I want to hear everything., I completely understand why you would feel that way, and Im really sorry youre upset. The study of self-disclosure has a long history in psychology. It's best to let them take the lead. Depending on their performance, feel free to respond with constructive criticism about something on your mind. The film doesn't showcase the full spectrum of eating disorders. What to say when your boss asks for feedback, 16. I also finally turned the corner towards a more stable and solid recovery. It is a story of a certain time period in one woman's life, told for the sake of being told, period, the end. If they do want to know more about your experience, it can still be smart to kick off with a disclaimer like, Im not sure how true this is for you, but I find. Mindfulness 2. Couples must be vigilant to protect their feelings of love from fading. Its a good idea to have a few phrases in your back pocket that you can use when the time presents itself. The findings also suggest that people who stay away from self-disclosure because theyre reticent, shy, or socially anxious may be starting new relationships at a distinct disadvantage. Here are some ideas of things to say in different scenarios you may find yourself in during an interview or in your workplace. Trusts you the conference so far?, I completely understand why you feel! 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