codification strategy in knowledge management

Organizations can stay ahead of the competition by implementing a knowledge management strategy and model. While some of their advice is useful, I am not sure if thats enough. People need incentives to participate in the knowledge sharing process. Xerox, for example, once attempted to embed the know-how of its service and repair technicians into an expert system that was installed in the copiers. Your answers to the three questions above will often suggest which knowledge management strategy to emphasize. They should encourage the heavy use of e-mail and electronic discussion forums. Some large consulting companies, such as Andersen Consulting and Ernst & Young, have pursued a codification strategy. found that effective firms excelled by focusing on one of the knowledge management You create value for customers by tackling unique problems that dont have a clear solution at the outset. For example, there are more than 30 consultants for each partner at Andersen Consulting. In companies where that is the case, knowledge management takes placeif at allin functional departments such as HR or IT. Specialists write reports and analyses that many teams can use. 58% of Were living in a knowledge economy. Companies that follow a codification strategy rely on the economics of reuse. Once a knowledge assetsoftware code or a manual, for exampleis developed and paid for, it can be used many times over at very low cost, provided it does not have to be substantially modified each time it is used. In a globalized and increasingly competitive economic environment, companies must frequently adjust and restructure to survive and grow. He knew other Ernst & Young teams had, however, so he searched the electronic knowledge management repository for relevant knowledge. HBR Learnings online leadership training helps you hone your skills with courses like Digital Intelligence . in firms like Ernst & Young and Andersen Consulting share WebEffective knowledge management system typically goes through three main steps: Knowledge Creation: During this step, organizations identify and document any existing or new knowledge that they want to circulate across the company. They call this the personalization strategy. The codification strategy opens up the possibility of achieving scale in knowledge reuse and thus of growing the business. You offer highly customized products or services to meet particular customers unique needs. (See the exhibit "How Once youve selected a knowledge-management strategy, invest in the right technological and human resources to support your choice. These are collaborative workspaces designed to allow teams to share documents, libraries, schedules and files. McKinsey fosters networks in Dells competitive strategy is to assemble inexpensive PCs that are made to order and sell them directly to customers. Employees can easily reuse the same codified knowledge on many different projects. Based on an empirical study consisted of 310 Spanish organisations and structural equations modelling, results show that both KM strategies (codification and personalisation) impacts on innovation and organisational performance directly and indirectly (through an increase on innovation capability). A variety of experts consults on each patients case, and managing the experts collaboration is, in essence, managing the centers knowledge. in a particular area and to find out who has done work on a Most companies should use a blend of these strategies. Ralph Poole, director of Ernst & Youngs Center for Business Knowledge, describes it like this: After removing client-sensitive information, we develop knowledge objects by pulling key pieces of knowledge such as interview guides, work schedules, benchmark data, and market segmentation analyses out of documents and storing them in the electronic repository for people to use. This approach allows many people to search for and retrieve codified knowledge without having to contact the person who originally developed it. Marcia Blenko, for example, a partner in Bains London office, had to consider a difficult strategy problem for a large British financial institution. Earn badges to share on LinkedIn and your resume. Codification and tacitness as knowledge management strategies: An empirical exploration. The meetings cover basic science initiatives, clinical findings, patient care, and ongoing research. They then approach those people directly. Its almost as if they are simply changing the names on the same set of presentations. The 250 people When a companys employees rely on explicit knowledge to do their work, the people-to-documents approach makes the most sense. In the end she connected with nine partners and several managers who had developed growth strategies for financial services institutions. Introduction . An example of knowledge base software is our own Document360. For example, engineers routinely use one of the companys planes to visit other divisions and share ideas about possible new products. strategies and using the other in a supporting role. try to use both approaches to an equal degree. Although the implications of the answers may seem obvious, it is important for managers to make the explicit connection between their companys competitive strategy and how they use knowledge to support it. information, we develop 'knowledge objects' by pulling key pieces The company spent a lot to develop those algorithms, but it has been repaid handsomely for its investment. retention tiwana elaboration Nevertheless, their highly customized offerings allow them to charge much higher prices than firms offering more standardized services can. A knowledge management strategy based on reuse fits companies that are creating standardized products. She met with a group of them in Europe, had videoconferences with others from Singapore and Sydney, and made a quick trip to Boston to attend a meeting of the financial services practice. The center provides the best, most customized advice and treatment to cancer patients. Dell, for instance, maintains an electronic repository of computer components and their specific configurations. The strategy adopted involved using a twopronged approach of communities of practice and a functional portal to drive knowledge management. The system drives the operation: customers choose configurations from a menu, suppliers provide components based on their orders, and manufacturing retrieves orders from the system and schedules assembly. Codification strategies involve the transformation of tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge in order to facilitate flows of organizational knowledge. Next come larger databases containing specific knowledge objects; finally there are the much larger holding tanks for all kinds of other materials. To make their personalization strategies work, firms like Bain expertise relevant to this particular problem. Using SPSS, various statistical tests and analyses were conducted. For hundreds of years, owners of family businesses have passed their commercial wisdom on to their children, master craftsmen have painstakingly taught their trades to apprentices, and workers have exchanged ideas and know-how on the job. When an employee asks if a specific type of content is available, another employee can reply with links to instances in the repository. Excel in a world that's being continually transformed by technology. Examples of web conferencing software are Microsoft Teams, Slack Calls, or Zoom. The knowledge management system aims at preventing the knowledge from being lost or forgotten and focuses on embedding knowledge into the company culture to encourage transparency and collaboration. These firms have also developed electronic document systems, but the purpose of the systems is not to provide knowledge objects. Introduction There is a growing body of research in the current literature that examines the influence of knowledge management on innovation results of firms (Donate & Guadamillas, 2011; Gloet & Many consultants can be assigned to a project; big projects will have a high ratio of consultants to partners. At Hewlett-Packard, employees frequently travel among HP offices to discuss complex, one-of-a-kind product ideas with colleagues. WebThe four core capabilities identified in this framework are physical systems, employee knowledge and skills, managerial system routines directing resource accumulation and deployment creating the channels through which knowledge is accessed and flows and the organizations values and norms. toolbox effective definition Investing in Knowledge Management has a number of proven benefits for a companys operations. Knowledge Management is the process of transforming information and intellectual assets into long-term value for an organizations clients and employees. documents were available, Love and his team did not have to spend The firms partners who have worked with me also know my style and my strengths and weaknesses. Asian managers was assigned full time to the case team. Tacitness strategies keep organizational knowledge tacit in order to prevent flows of knowledge to competitors. The chief purpose of computers at such companies is to help people communicate knowledge, not to store it. by Morten T. Hansen, Nitin Nohria, and Thomas Tierney. Companies with tightly integrated business units, however, should either focus on only one of the strategies or spin off units that dont fit the mold. WebKnowledge Management (KM) is the process of creating, sharing, using, and managing knowledge and information within an organization to achieve its objectives. In fact, the level and quality of employees contributions to the document database should be part of their annual performance reviews. Following literature, knowledge strategy was characterized in terms of codification and personalization. four to six. L~)|pf*6h?DwHJ}||-?gZ+YryPZ N'gP7;7$C>No\K %L%xc>'?GAUlHH@xEAsL\qc. e-mail. Unnecessary innovations are expensive: programming and then debugging new software, for instance, eats a lot of resources. financial institution. How Consulting Firms Manage Their Knowledge. codified using a "people-to-documents" approach: it is retrieve codified knowledge without having to contact the person The downfall of CSC Index, the consulting company that invented the reengineering concept in the early 1990s, underscores how serious this problem can be. In a market that grew 20% annually from 1994 to 1996, CSC Indexs annual revenues slipped from $200 million to an estimated $150 million. assist project teams. invest heavily in building networks of people. A way of managing this knowledge is by creating an expert network, where people can easily find experts to help them do their job. Consider the very different approaches taken by two computer companies, Dell and Hewlett-Packard. Codification can act as an aspect of knowledge management. To avoid that fate, let your competitive strategy drive your knowledge management strategy. WebThe codification strategy opens up the possibility of achieving scale in knowledge reuse and thus of growing the business. It encourages consultants to share knowledge through face-to-face conversations, phone calls, e-mail, and videoconferencing. Junior people are hired from top university residency programs and trained as fellows. Some large consulting companies, such as Andersen Consuiting Acquire the ability to decipher and use data available across multiple industry sectors in the economy including health, energy, manufacturing and finance. Because their clients problems are difficult and one of a kind, the consultants can charge high fees for their services. Empirical analyses of the effects of these strategies on subunit performance in a sample of US and Danish subsidiaries suggest that the focused strategies are superior to the other strategies. By managing diversity effectively, organizations can create a more inclusive and productive workplace, improve employee satisfaction and retention, and enhance their It then stores key pieces of knowledgeinterview guides, work schedules, market analysesin an electronic repository. Journal of High Technology management repository for relevant knowledge. 1. By contrast, strategy consulting firms such as Bain, Boston Since Love reused this material, Ernst & Young won the project and closed the sale in two months instead of the more typical four to six. They then approach those people directly. WebThe authors call this the codification strategy. It requires strong leadership to choose, adapt, and implement a Knowledge Management strategy. By better understanding the two strategies and their strengths and weaknesses, chief executives will be able to make more surefooted decisions about knowledge management and their investments in it. The two knowledge management strategies require different IT infrastructures as well as different levels of support. codification cognitive representation mental the industry, and a large dose of creative thinking. Consulting Firms Manage Their Knowledge. To make person-to-person communication easy, a teams members are all located in the same area of the hospital. manufacturing project in this one. The assignment required geographic and product-line expertise, a broad understanding of the industry, and a large dose of creative thinking. Bains management eventually developed an entirely new system, but the failed approach wasted time and money. She met with a Those that pursued an assemble-to-order product or service strategy emphasized the codification and reuse of knowledge. Access more than 40 courses trusted by Fortune 500 companies. Includes all activities, which brings to light knowledge that is "new" to the individual, to the group, and WebThis paper provides empirical support for the literature on knowledge management and innovation. If you look at knowledge (or more appropriately Knowing) as the Agents (e.g. By not choosing either, it fell on difficult times. The same knowledge cant be applied across different types of problems. And real incentivesnot small enticementsare required to get people to take those steps. The assignment required KM strategies are broadly classified as; codification ( described as extracting explicit knowledge from the person who developed it, storing it in databases, and promoting its subsequent for reusing) and personalization ( strategy is on tacit knowledge and its transfer and sharing among employees. Our results also indicate that different kinds of organizational knowledge require matching forms of codification in order to increase performance. partners regularly in meetings and through phone calls and The consulting business employs two very different knowledge management strategies. It transfers people between offices and urges people to return phone calls from colleagues promptly. In such firms, the service offering is very clear: the customer benefits because the consultants can build a reliable, high-quality information system faster and at a better price than others by using work plans, software code, and solutions that have been fine-tuned and proven successful. WebA major part of section 2 consists of questions on the important structural prerequisites of knowledge management; knowledge strategy, the type of organizational structure, 7.1 Knowledge strategy and its impact on the work of knowledge workers Literature offers two types of knowledge strategy, codification and personalisation strategy. That opens up the possibility of achieving scale in knowledge reuse and thus of growing the business. Customers may end up paying for a customized solution when a standard solution would have worked perfectly well. Or do you compete by providing superior solutions to common problems or offering low-cost, assembled-to-order products? So, lets have a look at the And each of Ernst & Youngs more than 40 practice areas has a staff member who helps codify and store documents. Selecting the wrong knowledge management strategy can severely limit these top performers power. It creates directories of experts and has consulting directors assemble project teams. Consultants were tempted to use the systems to deliver standardized solutions, but their customers were paying for highly customized services. At Bain, 1 out of 60 applicants gets an offer. One employee, Randall Love, was preparing an important bid for a large industrial manufacturer who needed help installing an enterprise resource planning system. Although it is important to avoid straddling, an exclusive focus on one strategy is also unwise. For those two reasons, strategy consulting firms find it difficult to grow rapidly without sacrificing the customized approach. Customers use it to place orders, suppliers to fill orders. And person-to-person knowledge sharing involves expensive travel and meeting time; those costs dilute the advantage that is created when codified knowledge is reused. The best fellows are moved into an up or out pyramid system. This approach allows many people to search for and By signing up, you agree to In 1997, Dell shipped 11 million PCs. Its like building with Lego blocks: consultants reuse existing bricks while applying their skills to construct something new. During McKinsey fosters networks in many ways: by transferring people between offices; by supporting a culture in which consultants are expected to return phone calls from colleagues promptly; by creating directories of experts; and by using consulting directors within the firm to assist project teams. describes it like this: "After removing client-sensitive When we initially looked at how consulting companies manage knowledge, we found that they all used both the codification and the personalization approaches. They had joined the firm because they wanted to work on cutting-edge strategy problems. This chapter offers insight into how knowledge codification has the potential to capture varying levels of tacit content in pursuit of enhanced innovation and ultimately, In the codification model, managers need to implement a system that is much like a traditional libraryit must contain a large cache of documents and include search engines that allow people to find and use the documents they need. had been with Bain for 12 years, knew several partners with The concept of KM has evolved over time, from a focus on information technology in the 1990s to a more people-centric approach in the early 2000s. A companys strategy for knowledge management should reect its competitive strategy. They were also among the first to aggressively explore the use of information technology to capture and disseminate knowledge. That can lead to serious problems. Dell does not deliver highly customized orders, and it raises its prices considerably for orders with special components. Access Health provides a prime example of the benefits that come from reusing codified knowledgein this instance, software algorithms. As a result of this, most consulting companies have developed highly sophisticated Knowledge Management systems and are widely seen as role models for other companies. by offering new products and services. But the two knowledge management models also apply in the industrial sector. What value do customers expect from the company? Codification is creating an awareness of a collection of knowledge whether it is around databases or storage systems. It removes client-sensitive information from documents prepared by consultants during engagements. The concept of Michael Earl: 2001: Knowledge management strategies: Toward a Taxonomy The two strategies are not unique to consulting. by using "consulting directors" within the firm to A total of 284 employees across 19 different PD units spread across India were surveyed to understand the knowledge strategies followed. employees) ability to perform a specific task in a specific context, then the Codification is concentrated in defining the ability to perform, task, context and the process itself. Over the last five years, they have developed elaborate ways to codify, store, and reuse knowledge. To be sure of obtaining people with that mix of skills, they recruit with extraordinary care. The resulting Earn badges to share on LinkedIn and your resume. Effective knowledge management is becoming a priority for decision-makers in different industries. They realized, however, that the knowledge they wanted to capture was too rich and subtle to incorporate in a written report. WebTherefore, it can be assumed that if the knowledge required is an existing knowledge, inside or outside the organization, the suitable KM strategy can be codification strategy, exploitation strategy, leveraging strategy, expanding strategy, or Knowledge management captures the knowledge communicated, often involving data, documents, and manuals. In the personalization model, its most important to have a system that allows people to find other people. This approach allows many people to search for and retrieve codified knowledge without having to contact the person who originally developed it. Instead, consultants scan documents to get up to speed in a particular area and to find out who has done work on a topic. Codifying and categorizing knowledge is an ongoing process that requires continuous evaluation and improvement. An intranet is a private computer network that uses internet protocols and network connectivity to share part of an organizations operations with its employees. Companies that primarily adhere to the reuse model will want about 20% of their knowledge sharing to be person-to-person. Knowledge codification. Specialists write reports and analyses that teams use. Knowledge Management is a key part of consulting firms as their product is knowledge. Unfocused knowledge management strategies attempt to regulate knowledge flows by controlling the overall level of codification of knowledge without special consideration of the capabilities of specific forms of codification. Consider this example. But members of the new guard had little interest in working on commodity-like reengineering projects. And they understood that writing answers to the many questions that would come from HPs divisions would take an extraordinary amount of time. finder" database for more contacts. Access Health, a call-in medical center, exploits a reuse model. Once on board, their most important training comes from working with experienced consultants who act as mentors. shared not only face-to-face but also over the telephone, by Or they may get paint-by-the-numbers advice when they really need help with a unique problem. Dell has invested heavily in an electronic repository that contains a list of available components. the last five years, they have developed elaborate ways to HSKo@W1evi q4*rz *XBGZfofVyp!~Qrm3Wd! .x S1BF wm& /HdWTtEEF( O>F")o80 nlT4g< L`VqZi=AQEWgPVR1 Result? The strategic management of knowledge requires that organizations realize the role of knowledge as a strategic resource and capitalize on using knowledge He had already directed projects for implementing information systems for several manufacturers in other industries, but he hadnt yet worked on a manufacturing project in this one. Knowledge is codified using a people to documents approach: knowledge is extracted from the person who developed it, made independent of that person and reused At the same time, the rise of networked computers has made it possible to codify, store, and share certain kinds of knowledge more easily and cheaply than ever before. The client wanted Bain to help it expand by offering new products and services. Findings Our investment in knowledge also helps advance the practice of management.. Utilization of internet technology impacts on academic knowledge management in fundamental ways, hence the need for enhancing effectiveness in institutions of higher education. Personalization happens when you give people access to codified information by encouraging active discussions and knowledge sharing. Young teams had, however, so he searched the electronic knowledge Excerpted from the article "What's Your Strategy for Knowledge is shared not only face-to-face but also through the telephone, email, and videoconferences. Consultants data, and market segmentation analyses out of documents and Executives wanted to be sure that other divisions understood and applied the interface. Thats because their people may feel encouraged to develop a novel solution to a problem even when a perfectly good solution already exists in the electronic repository. Diversity management is the practice of creating an inclusive and welcoming work environment where everyone feels respected and valued, regardless of their differences. 14 A codification strategy involves turning tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge in order to facilitate flows of organizational knowledge (Schulz, Jobe, 2001). In the process of developing a unique growth strategy, the team tapped into a worldwide network of colleagues experience. CHANGE How does your company unleash the expertise of its best and brightest? in the Harvard Business Review, March-April 1999. The codification of such knowledge saved the team Some large consulting companies, such as Andersen Consulting and Ernst & Young, have pursued a codification strategy. In the 1980s, before electronic document systems became fashionable, managers at Bain developed a large paper-based document center at its Boston headquarters; it stored slide books containing disguised presentations, analyses, and information on various industries. Take the example of Randall Love, a partner in the Los Angeles office of Ernst & Young. the personalization approaches. group of them in Europe, had videoconferences with others from Knowledge management strategies Increase the absolute level of codification across all dimensions of codification and organizational knowledge. For each type of organizational knowledge, increase the level of codification on those dimensions of codification, which transfer knowledge fastest and most accurately. In other companies, knowledge is closely tied to the person who developed it and is shared mainly through direct person-to-person contacts. geographic and product-line expertise, a broad understanding of They are a companys own internal internet that is used to share information and promote collaboration. an enterprise resource planning system. Internally, they imp You will be receiving an email from us shortly. She left voice mail messages with them and checked Bains people finder database for more contacts. CSC Index began with the right matcha personalization model supporting a customized offeringbut that became a mismatch as the concept of reengineering changed. Ernst & Young executives have invested a lot to make sure that the codification process works efficiently. As the CEO of a major U.S. company told us, I have been using a particular consulting company for over a decade now. Two companies that we studied have scrapped their investment in electronic knowledge databases; their existing databases are used simply to connect people. The codification strategy rely on explicit knowledge in order to prevent flows of knowledge to do work., suppliers to fill orders chief purpose of computers at such companies is to help people communicate knowledge not... Your resume consultants data, and a functional portal to drive knowledge management is a part! 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